Watch excerpts from the Lub Dub Club video on our Children MONTAGE.

Watch excerpts from the Lub Dub Club video on our Children MONTAGE.

Challenge:  The American Heart Association, San Francisco Chapter requested proposals for a curriculum to teach city youth about heart health. 

Solution: Dr. Linda Bernstein at UCSF School of Pharmacy received a $42,000 grant  to create The Lub Dub Club, a heart health curriculum for preschoolers, parents and teachers, which included a 15 minute musical video, workbook and parent/teacher guide in English, Spanish and Chinese. The program aired on KTVU and featured Miss Nancy of Romper Room and Lub Dub the Happy Heart.

Result: The program evaluation found a positive effect on preschoolers' heart health knowledge. Bernstein LR, Bellorado D, Bruvold W. Evaluation of a heart health education curriculum for preschoolers, parents, and teachers. Health Educ. 1986 Jun-Jul;17(3):14-7.



Challenge: The American Automobile Association wanted a safety curriculum surrounding its mascot car, Otto The Auto. 

Listen to excerpts from the Car Pool School audio program on our Children MONTAGE.

Listen to excerpts from the Car Pool School audio program on our Children MONTAGE.

Solution: Car Pool School, a musical, multimedia safety program was created, written and voiced by UCSF's Dr. Bernstein (a.k.a., Dr. Lindy, the Teacher at Car Pool School). It included a Kids' Audio Cassette Program and Book, and a Grownups' Handbook which contained excerpts from Dr. Bernstein's book, The Family Vacation Health and Safety Guide.

Result: The package was especially labeled, bagged and distributed by AAA. It also included a special coupon for a free Johnson and Johnson first aid kit at Longs Drug Stores.




Challenge: A prime audience for Safeway Pharmacy was busy moms, hence we needed a compelling way to draw in this group, and fund the program.

Solution: Dr. Bernstein created the To Do Kids Crew, a kids club with a purpose, to teach young kids "to do" things that are healthy and help others too. The club had a website, magazine, in store signage, The Big To Do contest, My To Do Tracker for kids to keep track of things they do around their home, school or community to help others, in store coloring sheets and six, one minute musical TV messages produced, written and hosted by Dr. Linda and her many characters. 

Result:  Dr. Bernstein had the 1000+ pharmacies in the Safeway chain enlist kids to join. She also raised one million dollars in sponsorship money from 10 Safeway vendors to fund the program. Over 40,000 kids signed up for the club and the TV spots were broadcast in 10 major TV markets adjacent to the Arthur program on PBS. Parents praised the program that inspired their kids to do healthy and helpful things.

Dr. Linda and her many characters teach health and safety habits, including healthy eating, covering your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze, washing hands, exercise, twice daily teeth brushing and wearing a helmet when you ride a bike. (Watch the …

Dr. Linda and her many characters teach health and safety habits, including healthy eating, covering your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze, washing hands, exercise, twice daily teeth brushing and wearing a helmet when you ride a bike. (Watch the Big To Do segments in the Children MONTAGE.)

TO DO KIDS MAGAZINE featuring fun "To Do" activities, contests and more.

In Store Signage posted in all Safeway Stores with pharmacies.

In Store Signage posted in all Safeway Stores with pharmacies.

To Do Kids Website

To Do Kids Website

To Do Kids

To Do Kids

Dr. Linda on Set

Dr. Linda on Set

In Store Display

In Store Display

